Maxwell House was a well known hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, that brewed coffee so rich in flavor that people would stay there just to enjoy the coffee. Around the turn of the century, they began to market their secret brew to nearby establishments, and it became as popular and talked about in their region as Starbucks is today. According to the company, it was President Teddy Roosevelt who coined the phrase “good the last drop” after drinking a cup of Maxwell House coffee in 1907, while visiting the historic estate of Andrew Jackson. That line became the official slogan of the company in 1915 and it still features prominently in the company’s advertising and branding efforts almost one hundred years later. And today, Maxwell House is still one of America’s best selling in-home coffee brands.
Frank Luntz, in ‘Words that Work’
Here Frank is talking about the importance of ‘consistent’ language, to drill your message into an audience.
Side note: Did you know Roosevelt discovered a 400 mile long river in the Amazon? Read about it here. I’m not surprised he came up with that Maxwell slogan. Almost everything he says sounds like it’s a campaign slogan. He’s so excited and enthusiastic about life, that it sounds like a call to action.
October 9, 2016 theodore roosevelt words language frank luntz
Who forgets to buy milk? Or paper towels. Or detergent?
We set reminders, and have never ending to-do lists, yet we all experience that moment we walk in the front door, and know we’re missing something.
Here’s a new type of notification that is triggered by your proximity to a location, rather than a time of day.
I don’t know when I’ll be near my local grocery store, and I don’t know if I’ll remember to think to buy milk, but with a location alert, my phone will remember for me.