Every Book I Read in 2017


Goal: 50. Read: 50. Total pages: 10,745. Average Rating: 3.67

And here are the books, in reverse-chronological order. I’ve bolded my favorites. 

50. The Life to Come - Michelle de Kretser

  1. Ways of Seeing - John Berger

  2. About Face - Alan Cooper

  3. Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar - Thomas Cathcart

  4. Decode and Conquer - Lewis C. Lin

  5. The Elements of User Experience - Jesse James Garrett

44. Esquire Etiquette - Glen Waggoner

  1. What makes an effective executive - Peter Drucker

42. The Dictators Handbook - Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

  1. Jesus - Paul Johnson

  2. Antifragile - Nassim N Taleb

  3. These Days - Jack Cheng

  4. The New CSS Layout - Rachel Andrew

  5. Win Bigly - Scott Adams

  6. Super Forecasting - Philip E. Tetlock

  7. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

  8. Developer Hegemony - Erik Dietrich

  9. The Goal - Eliyahu M. Goldratt

  10. How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life - Russ Roberts

31. Finite & Infinite Games - James P Carse

  1. The Complacent Class - Tyler Cowen

  2. Damn Good Advice - George Lois

  3. The Inevitable - Kevin Kelly

27. China in 10 Words - Yu Huijiao

  1. The Phoenix Project  - Gene Kim, George Spafford, and Kevin Behr

25. The Lords of strategy - Walter Kiechel

  1. Git for Humans - David Demaree

23. 1984 - George Orwell

  1. Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday

21. The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood

  1. The Elements of Eloquence - Mark Forsyth

  2. On Tyranny - Timothy D. Snyder

  3. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

  4. Sass for Web Designers - Dan Cederholm

  5. Australian History in 7 Questions - John Hirst

  6. The Couple Next Door - Shari Lapena

14. Nutshell - Ian McEwen

13. How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia - Mohsin Hamid

  1. Girt - David Hunt

  2. The Great Cholesterol Myth - Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra

  3. Moveable Feast - Ernest Hemmingway

9. The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat - Oliver Sacks

  1. A Technique for Producing Ideas - James Webb Young

  2. Casino Royale - Ian Fleming

  3. Down Under - Bill Bryson

5. The True Believer - Eric Hoffer

  1. Liar’s Poker - Michael Lewis

  2. On Bullshit - Harry Frankfurt

  3. Sweet Poison - David Gillespie

1. Everywhere I look - Helen Garner


January 5, 2018