Proofing issue 2 of Esperanto today, full colour spreads, marking it up. There’s not many problems which is good just a few ttypos and some balance issues. The last few days I’ve just been grinding this thing out: it goes to the printer on the 6th..

I’d say it’s a massive step up from the first issue as well, better articles, I’ve experimented a bit more with the layout, and there’s a more cohesive style. 

I’ve tried to stick with black white and red for my main colours. All my headers are set in Octopuss, a cheeky 70’s display face that a lot of skin mags used to use back then. Plantin is my workhorse for everything else (sub headings, and body). 

I also switched up the background colours for pages and reversed out the text. Not exactly re-inventing the wheel here, but just adds a lot of contrast, whereas my first issue I left it white and it got a bit bland…anyway im boring myself here

btw also as of today im getting paid to do this!!! finally!! and i move out next wed!!!

Happy Easter!

March 31, 2010