I hate web 2.0 logos. sites like logopond.com are full of them and they are so bad it’s not even funny and if you read any proper design blogs, most graphic designers hate the practice because they are usually cheap and quick to produce-mainly because there all for websites (online communities, photo sharing etc) and they rarely need to be applied to paper stock, signage etc in the real world outside of the internet.

There’s no process with the client trying to create an interesting brand that over time will mature or anything, it’s just a rounded font and a word like XANGA that makes no sense at all.

Interesting article regarding web 2.0 logos:(via font feed)

Mass complimation of the logos, spot the difference! (there is none).

I guess the only way to beat this is just to look for work where an overall branding concept is needed, leave web 2.0 logos to spec design sites/bangladesh.

July 14, 2009