Senses & Sensors.

The thing I really liked about Hatch, and why I think the engineers and creatives responsible for it (and Clear) are geniuses, is that it doesn’t look or behave like a traditional application. One of the problems with mobile/app design is that all we (as designers/creatives) can think about is touch, and the smaller screen. These are important factors sure, and the more responsive and fluid it is, the better. The problem is that you get tunnel vision and forget about all these other amazing sensors that lie hidden inside the device. I guess it helps if you think of the iphone as alive: it has eyes (camera) feet (accelerometer/gps) ears, etc. All these things add a fourth dimension to your main objective. If this means using the camera to recognise type on a book, do it. Can I search for something with my voice? Of course you can. What’s an interesting way to control a spaceship? Why not by saying a certain word? If you’re thinking up and down keys you might need to seriously reconsider what decade you’re living in.

Apps that use these other senses’ really get my attention, and I think the general (spending money) public would agree.

I’m excited to see how Hatch goes in the crowded iOS app market, I bet very well.

December 19, 2012